Mahopac Wolf Pac Logo
Mahopac logo
Mahopac Schools Hold Superintendent’s Conference Days
RICE Club students meet with Mahopac Principal
Mahopac counselors
Mahopac High School students and staff pose with donated coats
Alicja Caffery and her parents
Mahopac High School WISE Program students pose with envelope
Mahopac Middle School students at STEAM Fair
Lakeview students learning about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Stephen Luciana Mahopac Athletic Director
Mahopac High School principal Patrick Keevins
Students Recognized By Board of Education receiving awards
teachers and staff celebrating Maryann Ferraro on her last day
Mahopac tuba players pose in front of NYC Christmas tree
Students pose with Wizard of Oz themed gingerbread build
PNW BOCES staff, Mahopac Staff, and family of Dan Dedvukaj
Students browsing books
German students with honor society advisor and repair cafe workers