PNW BOCES staff, Mahopac Staff, and family of Dan Dedvukaj

Last month's Board of Education meeting at the Mahopac Central School District was packed with important issues and discussions to be had, but the District’s superintendent and board members took the time to recognize one specific student.

Dan Dedvukaj is a Mahopac High School and Putnam Northern Westchester BOCES student who has been studying Sports Medicine at Pines Bridge. Principal Mike Sowul described Dedvukaj as a “stellar student in his sports medicine class,” but hard work and smarts are not the only things that Dedvukaj brings to the classroom.

“Dan greets everyone by name, teachers and students alike,” said Dedvukaj’s teacher, Dr. William Brightman. “He also thanks all of his teachers when he leaves, and really takes the time to get to know everyone.”

Dedvukaj brings drive and dedication to his studies every single day and has consistently committed himself to expanding his knowledge in the field of medicine, helping athletes manage setbacks from injuries.

“He has overcome some significant injuries as an athlete, so he really wants to help others understand and manage injuries,” Dr. Brightman said. “For his academic success, amazing attitude, and strong work ethic, Dan is the perfect choice for Student of Distinction.”